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The #1 Wordpress Configurator Plugin – New pricing

Adding custom code snippets without crashing your WordPress site.

Last updated on: November 6, 2024

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Table of Contents

Developing a website requires at some point tweaking and adding custom code snippets in your theme’s function.php file. You may want to add advanced functionality and processes at your website. Some of your clients in business should require specific flow and system to their website. In this following discussion, we will share you an easy way to add custom code in WordPress without crashing or breaking the website.

Furthermore, you may need to make some changes and there is a need to add custom code snippets due to your website upgrade or goal. Unless you know how to code it clearly sure of what you’re doing, things can get pretty quite messy.

Modifying theme files using a WordPress plugin

Some of a number of WordPress users unknowingly modify the files in the parent theme when tweaking with custom codes. This might cause real problems and usually takes after updating the theme to a new version. In this sense, use a child theme, especially when making major edits.

To have a quick review before adding custom code, we suggest to:

Likewise you’ll lose your changes and you’ll have to deal with it again. This is just one common example of how editing existing codes can leave you in a real headache.

Later of this article, we’ll share to you on how to add custom code to your WordPress theme without crashing the site.

Code Snippets WordPress plugin

Code Snippets, a WordPress plugin that allows an easy, clean and simple way to run PHP code on your site. With this plugin, you don’t need to add custom snippets directly to your theme’s functions.php file.

Instant install of the plugin in your website

From your dashboard, go to plugins and then add new. Search for Code Snippets term then install and activate it.

Upon activation, the plugin will show on your dashboard list item labeled as Snippets.

From there, hover to the plugin and click Add New.

Input the code snippet title, the custom code you need to extend functionality of your website and then Save Changes and Activate your snippet.

If you want to access all the custom code snippets you have added, just see it with the All Snippets menu item as shown in the image below.

You will see that your code is active as indicated by the blue switch button. You can deactivate the snippet at any time you want too.

Once you have saved and activated the code snippet, it would become effective on your site immediately.

What makes code snippets a powerful tool?

For instance, there is a major mistake with the custom code added around the website, it would immediately make the site inaccessible. Browsing at the website would only give syntax error or 500 internal server error. It may take some time to get back with your site after configuring with FTP Client to undo your code.

While with the use of code snippet plugin, when you make a mistake in adding the custom code it will automatically detect a syntax error in the code and immediately deactivate it.

Take a look at the example below.
In this custom code, PHP statements must end with a semicolon.

After saving the code, instead of having the site in status as internal server error, code snippets plugin displays significant error message that would help to debug the error.

I presume this plugin helps to pursue your web development out there and this article helped you learn how to add custom code in WordPress.

On top of this, if you weren’t sure how codes work, and you might want to start an ecommerce website for your online shop or you want to have a nice and clean looking portfolio, check out here.

For those who already into it and uses woocommerce, give your visitor a truly different shopping experience and convert more sales. Step up your products! Check this out and create exciting products with advanced configuration in just a few clicks away.

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