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How to Create Layers in Photoshop

How to Prepare the Product Image?

Here are the steps on how to prepare the product image:

  1. First prepare the product image, then open it on photoshop
  2. Drag the layer to duplicate it
  3. Hide the original layer for backup
  4. Zoom in the image first
  5. Click the duplicated layer and use the pen tool to trace the edges of the image
  6. Zoom out, then click the make selection option on the top tool panel
  7. Make feather radius to 0 px
  8. This will clear your background
  9. Next, trace the remaining parts of the image that need to clear the background
  10. After that, you can test if you got the right part of the image. Just add a new layer.
  11. Then, use the paint bucket tool to choose the color you want as a bright background, and click on the empty layer
  12. Then, drag up the image that doesn’t have a background

Creating the "Swoosh Logo Layer"

  1. Next, duplicate the layer of the image again and rename it to “Swoosh.”(about the check logo of the shoes)
  2. Then go to Layers, select Layer Mask, then Reveal All.
  3. Zoom out, then click the make selection option on the top tool panel
  4. Make feather radius to 0 px
  5. Select a dark color for a background of the check logo
  6. Hide the base shoe layer. Enclose the Swoosh layer into a group folder and rename
  7. Then, duplicate the swoosh layer. Click the adjustment option, select Hue/Saturation, then adjust the brightness.
  8. Right-click the Hue/Saturation layer, then select ‘create a clipping mask.’
  9. Select the swoosh grey copy and Hue/Saturation layer and duplicate
  10. Then, rename the layer again and change the color of the logo into your desired one.
  11. You may follow the process for repeat changing colors

Repeating the process for other layers

  1. For the Suela/Low Sole Layer, this has the same process as the Swoosh logo layer
  2. For the High Sole Layer, this has the same process as the Swoosh logo layer
  3. For the Strap Layer, this has the same process as the Swoosh logo layer
  4. This is called the Second Color Layer; this has the same process as the Swoosh logo layer
  5. This is called the Shoe Collar Layer; this has the same process as the Swoosh logo layer
  6. This is called the Upper Vamp Layer; this has the same process as the Swoosh logo layer
  7. This is the output of the product. Now, you can save your PSD and PNG file for all elements.
  8. To save the PNG file of your image, click the FILE option, select “save as,” rename the file, then hit save.
  9. This is also an example of customizing the color of the product and also has the same editing process

How to Create Layers in Photoshop: Step-by-Step

To create a new layer and customize its settings in Photoshop:

  1. Go to Layer > New > Layer in the top menu.
  2. Alternatively, open the Layers panel and select New Layer from the menu.
  3. A dialog box will appear—enter a name and adjust any settings you want, like opacity or blending mode.
  4. Click OK, and your new layer will be added, ready for your edits.

With these steps, you can quickly add and name layers, organizing your project efficiently.